Monday, May 25, 2015

The National Trust in Devon

National Trust properties feature in all our UK trips.

Parke was 3 miles from Three Pound Cottage.

We took the river walk to the medieval weir.

Castle Drogo was not Lutyens' shining moment.

This scaffolding alone cost 1 million pounds.

6,400 acres of working farms, 200 cottages and gardens.

Sir Richard Acland donated the land and the 18th C home to the Trust in the 1930s.

Always on the lookout for a robin.

The Parker family's Georgian mansion and estate near Plymouth.

Lots of places to roam . . .

and peek into.

Although not a NT property, it is within Dartmoor Park
about 20 minutes from Three Pound Cottage.

A beautiful setting for the animals. . . 

and a great time to visit  . . . babies everywhere!


wendy hadley said...


life ldc said...

How adorable are those tiny ponies!