Monday, August 5, 2013

Knitting Catch Up

Last October (!) I wanted something to accessorize blue denim. 
Sniffing around I found . . . 

. . . The Fibre Company's Quaking Aspen Shawl 
using their own Acadia 
which is merino, alpaca and silk.

 An easy pattern and lovely yarn, but too much of it left over.

 The lace worked up quickly.

It's heading for the B and B today.
 It must go from its current measurement of 38"x20" to 60"x24". 

Next project on the needles - a Swoncho. 
This pattern can be found in the Fall 2012 edition of Love of Knitting magazine. 
Tanis Fiber Arts Orange label is to 'dye' for.
This MUST be completed in 4 weeks.

Oops! The headless wonder is yet to be finished.


life ldc said...

I hope finishing the bunny head is on the priority list too! Gorgeous scarf......who is going to ask what B and B is I wonder.....

Now I have to go look up that magazine......looks interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am so happy to have found your blog... so similar to mine : dog, knitting, nature !!!! (found you on KD's commnets) So I look forward to seeing what more is going on with your knitting (beautiful) and Bunny (beautiful) :) ~ Jen

Candice said...

I'm so happy to have been found, jenjoycedesign! Knitting, nature and the dog . . . what else is there?! I'm on my way to your blog right now.