Saturday, November 30, 2013

Just Press Board and a Bit of Flocking

Every year my friend, Wendy, says I have a minimalist Christmas tree because it is not laden with decorations that date way back. I'm not that kind of girl. However, I do have this church as part of my Christmas. I've kept it because of its story. Shall I tell you the story? Are you comfortable? Then, I'll begin . . . 

A long time ago, before I was born, my great aunt Rooke lived for a while with my mother's family in a huge house in High Park. Rooke was ''full of the devil'', as my grandmother, her sister, would say. She cared little for the expected way of life and was adored for it. 

Back in those days Eaton's Queen Street was a destination during December. Visiting the window displays was part of every Torontonian's holiday and landing a two week temporary job in the store was Christmas itself. And that's exactly what Rooke did. 

Christmas Eve circa 1948. Rooke finished work around 8 PM, took the streetcar to Keele and Bloor and walked up the hill, carrying an Eaton's box. Her laughing announced her arrival. It seems she helped herself to part of one of the window displays . . .  this wee church. 

Rooke died at 43 of a heart attack. As a result, my grandmother gave this church a reverence that I'm sure Rooke never intended. I 'inherited' it 25 years ago. The flocking is almost gone, but the original light still shines through the windows and the music box still plays, very slowly, Silent Night.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spa Baby

     Hmmm . . . 
 Same paws, if a bit more wooly,

 same tail,

 same nose,

 same tags,

 same eyelashes.

 But, wait! What's this?

A new Lady Gaga?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

United Way and Me

The annual house tour for the United Way was this past Saturday and

yet again my home was not showcased.

And I love to decorate for Christmas . . . 

and I'm pretty good at it, too.

Let me show you. 

 First, I get some balls . . .

I prefer reds and greens.

Then, I very carefully cradle them in the jar

and, voila - a decoration worthy of the United Way.

Well, maybe next year.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Winner

Ever noticed how some projects take on a magical quality?

 I began knitting Little Cotton Rabbits patterns ( see my blog list ) in the Spring 
and soon became addicted.

 This guy was special from the start. 
Even without arms he had a personality all his own.

 As he came together he acquired the name Great Uncle Dave . . .

 and had an Apple book written about his adventures.

Now, he is a winner of the second photo contest hosted by 
The LCR group on Ravelry.
What fun!
( Well . . . he was randomly chosen, but he's still thrilled. )

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prepping to Hunker Down

Earlier this week we were whacked by our first hard frost 


. . .  except my warmth for books.

However, I have a hard frosty response to this thing . . . 
 I don't mind ebooks, but they're not easy to download.

I tend to preview on my iPad.

 Thank goodness booksellers still exist. 
Over the last few days I've bought . . .

 some fun reads,

 an obligatory read,

and favourite reads. As Hub likes to say,
"Nothing like a little murder and mayhem."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Have Faith

 Last night as I was watching Breaking Bad for the second time ( I know . . . ) and knitting away on Sally Melville's L'Enveloppe . . . 

I thought it wise to lay out what I'd done

and compare it to the schematic.

Great sadness washed over me as I realized the two images were nothing alike. I didn't think any amount of creative folding could transform what I had into what Sally drew. Hub gave me his condolences for my loss, then quickly left the room because he hates witnessing 

   Fingers poised at the rip-ready position, I stopped and thought maybe, 
just maybe,
I could contact Sally.

I emailed her this.

Although she was in a hotel somewhere and it was well after 10 PM, she quickly responded, gave me kind words of encouragement and updated her pattern to include a schematic of the knitted fabric before it is folded.

What a girl you are, Ms Sally!
I had to sit right down and blog about it.

Have faith. Knitting will unfold as it should.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Times They Are A' Changing

Oh, no!
 My mom bought some stuff today to freshen her Christmas decor.
That means only one thing . . . 

She's gonna dress me in stupid sillies for winter walks!
 First, my Kate Davies Peerie Flooers.

 Next, my Red Riding Hood for the Christmas pantomime.

 Now, I'm Bob Cratchit sporting Malabrigo.

 My Widow Twanky look in Madeline Tosh for yet another panto.

 A Kaffe Fasset design for carol signing.

 My mom said they're making The Lion King into a panto.

And finally, I might test for the winter scenes in Dr. Zhivago.
 I call this my Verrichino.

I'll bet this is going to be another stupid silly.